better_uchiha Apr 28, 2009 11:06
subject: running out of time, subject: deposition, !status: unlocked, subject: rotting away from the inside, subject: time will tell, subject: everything to gain, subject: sick as sick can be, subject: sasuke, !event: can-toi, subject: sakura, subject: the difficulties that lie ahead, !classification: ic, subject: better this way, subject: nothing to lose, subject: priorities, subject: drawbacks, subject: aaron, subject: playing with fire, subject: you're all so easily cowed, !illusion: twenty-two, subject: already got a necklace thanks, subject: bonds, subject: offers from the devil, !status: locked, subject: let's not do that again, subject: my partner kisame, subject: questions but no answers, subject: crimson king
better_uchiha Apr 21, 2009 18:26
subject: feeling protective, subject: horses and wolves, subject: not holding back, subject: offering assistance, subject: aaron, subject: playing with fire, subject: saving aaron, !classification: ic, subject: crimson king, !illusion: twenty-one, subject: that day, subject: deja vu
better_uchiha Mar 24, 2009 23:38
subject: making promises, subject: sasuke, !status: locked, subject: meeting conditions, !illusion: nineteen, subject: foolish little brother, !classification: ic, subject: crimson king, subject: pein
better_uchiha Mar 22, 2009 09:55
subject: not holding back, !status: unlocked, subject: queensguard, subject: tired of being patient, !illusion: eighteen, !status: locked, subject: limits to all things, !classification: ic, subject: zelda, subject: crimson king
better_uchiha Mar 21, 2009 23:30
subject: aaron, subject: playing with fire, subject: sasuke, !status: locked, subject: fuck you schuldig, subject: crimson king, !classification: ic, subject: better this way, !illusion: seventeen